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Why Off-site Monitoring is Worth the Spend!


Updated: Dec 5, 2024

When making a purchase there are so many decisions and considerations that instantly flood the mind. What good/service should I get? How much does it cost? Does a competition do it for cheaper? But is it still the same quality? Is the purchase worth the money at all?

When things are going well, it may be tempting to look at Off-site Monitoring and security infrastructure as ‘nice to haves’, but when your home or business gets broken into it quickly becomes a case of ‘should have hads’.

This article gives a few considerations to help you answer the question “Is Off-site Monitoring worth the spend?”

What Off-site Monitoring addresses.

Off-site Monitoring is a service dedicated to helping clients manage their security technology, establish robust site security protocols, and actively address security incidents on-site while helping to prevent crime from occurring, both for residential and commercial applications, from a remote location.

In other words, Off-site Monitoring aims to establish preventative security measures and early warning systems which gives you time to address issues, and informational accuracy and verification of what is happening onsite during an incident. We give you real peace of mind knowing that we are actively looking out for the interests of your property from an untouched distance. We are the first line of your defense, and your trusted security partner.

Types of Off-site Monitoring:

  • CCTV monitoring:

    Gone are the days of using CCTV to reflect on incidents after the fact. We utilize advanced Artificial Intelligence to alert us to incidents and verify the accuracy of what is happening. Using CCTV Cameras (ranging from long-range, night vision, and thermal enabled to AI-driven video analytics devices with built-in preventative virtual-boundary capabilities), monitored remotely by highly trained operators, we aim to prevent incidents from even occurring.

  • Alarm/fire Monitoring:

    Not every site needs CCTV to be monitored remotely. In the case of alarm/fire monitoring we ensure that if an alert triggers, the correct people take action immediately.

  • LPR (license Plate Recognition):

    With millions of vehicles on the roads, and with vehicles used in all manner of crimes, it makes sense to know if a vehicle wanted by the police attempts to/ enters your facility!

  • Managed Services:

    If you need someone with the know-how and experience to effectively manage your site’s security and operations, we can add an independent off-site layer to smooth out your site’s operations

What does Worth it even mean?

How do you quantify and qualify whether an investment has the potential to return on your expense and your trust in it? Is Off-site Monitoring worth it in comparison to what?

  • Compared to another type of service or none at all?

  • In relation to the cost of guarding? Loss of stock? Delay in your business or supply chain after an incident onsite?

  • In comparison to trying to do it all yourself without any customer support and technical assistance?

  • Does the capital expenditure justify the potential returns down the line?

Big Picture:

There are so many cameras and security technologies on the market, the prices vary greatly. The graphs below show averages based on recent quotes sent to clients. We believe it to be accurate as we dissuade clients away from ‘cheap and nasty’ and the ‘over-priced’, aiming to find a sweet spot between what the client needs and what the client can afford.

The below example is for a small-medium business with one premises that has a limited budget and doesn’t want “all the bells and whistles”, just an entry-level CCTV foundation to test the benefits of Off-site Monitoring vs traditional guarding.




Other costs to consider:

  • Cost of the loss of stock: This depends on your business.

  • Software licensing costs: If you want to utilise A.I driven monitoring software, for a residential client the cost is simply too great, and for a commercial client it may be within your budget, but it is an unexpected expense that you will need to factor yearly. While there are some systems that have built-in A.I detection capabilities, solely relying on this you run into the problem of having no back-up to verify what is happening on your site or external accountability, leaving you vulnerable. Because we monitor so many clients the cost of licensing is distributed and diluted enough for a small client to have access to advanced technology, and for a larger client to not have to cough up an unnecessary yearly expense to D.I.Y their security.

  • Business interruption: If you are unable to open your store for a day due to damage from a break-in/ attempted break-in, and are unable to sell anything on that day, you have already essentially lost the turnover equivalent of Off-site monitoring.

Further Benefits of Off-site Monitoring:

  • Feelings of safety:

    How do you quantify the feeling of safety, the unbroken nights of sleep, and the welfare of everyone at your property? And how would you feel if an incident happened to your family or staff because you decided to save a quick buck.

  • Public perception:

    If your facility (call it a mall or office block etc) gets a bad reputation for security incidents, think about how many people would rather choose your competition than have something happen to them. On the flip side, if you invest in security technology and Off-site Monitoring, you can double down on your security-related marketing and build a great public perception.

  • Insurance premiums:

    If you can justify spending on security, you might just make the capex back on your insurance premiums!

  • Accurate information/ reporting:

    Without accurate reporting you may end up spending money on the wrong things to try and fix problems onsite. Without transparent and independent guidance, you may spend more than you expected on technology unsuited for your site.



Off-site Monitoring can dramatically reduce your monthly security costs. With a small monthly cost after initial technology investment, the potential to prevent stock loss and business disruptions, and the peace of mind knowing correct protocols will be followed and accurate reporting will be given, Off-site Monitoring is not just a ‘Nice To Have’, it’s a vital part of operating a modern commercial business!

Off-site Monitoring (if done by a reputable company) is undoubtedly worth every cent!



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